These forms are straightforward just enter the income you earned and deduct any expenses the client paid for your materials and/or services.What if you have multiple clients i.e. Your client or gig will supply a 1099-MISC form. From the freelance worker to the solopreneur and to the startup business owner, there are more ways to establish yourself as a business without forming a corporate entity.If this sounds like you, you can file your business taxes with ease.Let’s say you’re a freelancer or a gig economy worker. They’re Fairly Simple Business ownership is common today. Here are some ways to know if you can DIY your taxes. But every business owner has different taxes. When to DIY Your Business Taxes For most business owners, doing your own taxes isn’t as intimidating as you think. tax rules.Here’s when you should DIY your small business taxes and when to call a professional. tax code, and it’s impossible for a normal person to know the complex U.S. Tax season is right around the corner.Are you a business owner? Should you hire a professional? It’s tempting there are in the U.S.